Power vs Force

David Hawkin’s book Power vs Force came to mind as I was contemplating the 40th Gene Key, the world theme from August 29 to September 2 2020. His Levels of Consciousness was pivotal in changing my perspective and understanding of power. The fulcrum between force and power is measured at 200 (per his scale) and is Courage. Below this level, an individual is unable to hear, tell, and receive truth. He also says they cannot be reliably muscle tested or muscle test. This made me wonder about everyone using muscle testing, be it the shoulder, fingers or arms, and the quality of information they are passing on, no matter how sincere.

The difference between power and force is that power is self-generating and does not need continual energetic expenditure. It exists from the level of Courage and up, including Love, Truth, and Peace.

In The Gene Keys, Richard Rudd writes “the secret of this Gene Key [40th] is found in the difference between the words energy and force.”

Energy in this context refers to the natural vitality that flows into your actions in the world. Whenever your actions are in alignment with the universe the requisite energy is supplied from deep within your being.

Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys

Each of the 64 Gene Keys has a frequency band from a shadow consciousness to gift to siddhi state, each one is an activator for codes in our DNA. Everything is energy, a frequency, and holographic. Before we shift our energetic state, we first need to know where we are and be radically honest about it. Having these shadows and consequently maladaptive strategies to feel safe and secure does not make us “bad people” or whatever judgment it is you are dealing with. Awareness brings light to our patterns so that we can then make conscious choices about how we treat ourselves, engage with others, and potentiate.

What are the Shadow Consciousness States?

Shadow consciousness focuses on survival so it is fear-based and the oldest part of our brain is at work, even though we have evolved since those early days of sabre-toothed tigers. DNA also carries memories so all the experiences that came before us are passed down the lineage from our ancestors. They also are part of the collective energy field. These shadow states are fear-driven and when we become aware of this, we begin to see how much of our lives is routed from something that may not have any anchors in this current life of ours.

Through contemplation, self-acceptance, and self-love, we can release the charge from these shadows, and discover the gift within.

About the 40th Gene Key…

I don’t have this Gene Key or Gate defined. It is the world theme from August 29 to September 2 2020 and a wonderful opportunity for me to contemplate this within myself, in my lineage, for wholing.

  • shadow : Exhaustion
  • gift : resolve
  • siddhi : divine will

“The 40th Gene Key and its Shadow concern the correct or incorrect use of the power of the human will. The malfunctioning of the 40th Shadow is deeply connected to the conversion of food and liquid into energy though the medium of the stomach.” – Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys

Exhaustion comes about when we have to dig into our pre-natal chi (or jing), the energy reserves we are born with. This happens because we are not able to effectively convert what we eat into post-natal chi. This can be from inappropriate diet, poor food quality, compromised body systems, stress, and depleted kidney function, for example. The Kidneys, for one thing, keep the body warm and we need this fire for proper digestion. The attitude related to the Kidneys is fear and when we are overwhelmed by that, our water overwhelms our fire. Balancing these two elements is especially important.

In these intense times, many people are left overwhelmed and stressed, without any effective tools. It’s easier (and cheaper) to reach for processed food, which contributes to a depleted physical body and energy field. We are bombarded by so much information that our digestion is backlogged. Digestion – the stomach function – is an earth element process. How many people do you know feel grounded? In their body? Or feel supported and nourished? How robust are their boundaries? It’s important we bring light on this.

Simple & Powerful Jin Shin Jyutsu Tips for Digestion

You can try any of the following self-help practices to see how you feel. We are our own testimony. The benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu are cumulative so even a minute here and there adds up! You can hold each area for nine breaths or see if you feel the pulsing behind your fingers harmonize and beat together.

  • hold your thumb to harmonize both your stomach and spleen function energies. Holding our thumb, fingers, and the centre of the palm is a powerful way to harmonize all the 12 organ functions, which build the physical body.
  • place your hands on the bottom of your ribcage. This energy zone helps to connect the upper and lower body and supports digestion.
  • place your right hand on your left cheek and your left hand on your left collarbone. This supports the stomach function energy.

Back to the 40th Gene Key

So as I mentioned I don’t have this Gene Key or this gate (Human Design) defined. I actually don’t have my willpower centre defined so I don’t have consistent access to this energy. Willpower is not something that you can summon up whenever you want to, for people like me. If you are like me, don’t beat yourself up! We’ve just been conditioned to think that with enough willpower, we can make anything happen. Yep, nope.

Contemplation of the 40th Gene Key, Shadow State

In looking at any shadow consciousness state, we see two natures – repressive and reactive. When you experience the repressive 40th Gene Key shadow, your boundaries aren’t great and you may be open to manipulation. It may be a learned childhood behaviour to get the love and attention, by acquiescing to those around you. This usually means putting your needs on the back burner, while continuously giving yourself and your energy to others. It’s not one or the other state; though one is more common. At one point, you may get so very angry.

So the other nature is to deny your rage which turns into contempt for others. It takes a whole lot of energy to keep people at bay and to keep this rage suppressed. It’s draining to stay isolated. Both states lead to exhaustion. And less energy and fire for digestion.

We can easily see how these two natures are rampant in the world. In ourselves and in our community. For this week, I will be contemplating the 40th Gene Key. Even though I don’t have this defined in my chart, we are all one of the whole. Anytime anyone raises their frequency, the collective consciousness also jumps.