Open Solar Plexus, Meet Defined Solar Plexus

What happens when an open solar plexus gets together with a defined solar plexus?

Interesting things, I tell you.

The Open Centre

I’m the one with the undefined solar plexus and my partner is emotionally defined. So in Human Design, an open/undefined centre is where we can be conditioned, or programmed. The first seven years of life are the most intense for conditioning. We are like sponges then. We may have learned to avoid confrontations or just play nice because we’ve learned emotional waves are powerful, unpredictable, and frankly, even scary.

Those with a defined solar plexus constantly experience emotional waves, from high to low, hope to melancholy, and back, and again. For them, there is no truth in the moment. And it takes time for them to reach clarity. Time is their friend. Still, they may never be certain or it may take them quite a while. Years, even.

And here’s the thing, when you ask them something, you can never be sure if an emotional wave gets triggered. What may be a simple question isn’t always that for my partner. I’ve been surprised a number of times. We talk about his bucket getting full. When it’s filling up, he has less energy to process everything. He is a beautiful deeply feeling being. On a deeper level of Human Design, I too am an emotional being, with an emotional mind and an emotional body. How we feel and think matters; and we want to feel and think good.

And I’m learning about my open Head Centre and 1/3’ness, about what questions are for me to ask.

My partner suggested that I allow the question to pass by and see which ones return again and again. And see what the universe brings me when I do ask the question. I know it’s been challenging for him not to feel pressured to answer my questions right away. This Channel of Now. Even if I tell him “I don’t need to know this very second” the pressure is not relieved. Mechanics.

You Feel, I Feel More, and It Ramps Up…or not

The other thing about undefined/open centres is that they amplify. So when my partner is feeling emotional, I tend to get “moody” first. People with open/undefined solar plexus centres are empathic.

I still take a bit of time to realize what’s going on, these mechanics. That it is not personal, and I don’t have to feel like a child who “did something wrong.” I’m thinking this is probably a common conditioned response.

For me it’s still tricky because of the melancholy that comes with my individual and integration channels. Whose emotions am I feeling? The big question and a point of discernment for all empaths.

And if we don’t realize it, he reacts to my amplified feelings. We’ve probably done a couple of rounds like this. Pretty good, I think, for six months! Now, he’s quicker to pick up on me reflecting back to him.

And I’m also more aware so I can move out of his aura and be even more intentional with my questions. i.e. No questions!

Usually, we need more space than that, because we are so connected. Seriously, I’d wake up in the middle of the night, just a minute before he’d text. So if this is the same for you, going for a walk or a drive really helps! If going out of aura and further afield I’m still feeling emotional, then it’s something for me to contemplate.

Thinking back, all those times I was called “emotional” or asked if I was PMS’ing, it’s likely that I was merely amplifying, and reflecting back. Have you felt or been called “out of control”? Yeah.

50% of the population has an open/undefined centre. In my “world”, based on birth info I have access to, it’s more like 90%. Clearly I’m here to learn something about emotional authority. We all are, really as that is the next evolutionary leap. Trusting our body over the mind. The mind is here to be the Passenger Consciousness.

So here’s what I’ve learned so far:

  • With an undefined Solar Plexus, I must look at the ways I’ve been conditioned. Am I afraid of confrontation or asking for the truth? How do I make decisions based on these “adaptive” and “protective” strategies? Do I feel I can’t share my feelings because they are so overwhelming?
  • People with a defined Solar Plexus are always experiencing emotional waves. Their bucket can get full quick and they need time. GIVE THEM TIME. For them, there is no truth in the moment anyway so whatever conversation that is forced ahead of its timing will be more emotionally charged, volatile, and triggering than it needs to be. Than it would be. What they say may be overly optimistic or pessimistic. Which then probably sets off more emotional waves. Not fun. And if I’m triggered, that’s for me to deal with. Where is my inner child wounded?
  • It’s mechanics; it’s not personal. I trust my partner to talk to me if something is bothering him. So when I feel his emotionality, I remind myself it’s mechanics. I’m just in his aura; this auric connection is powerful. So I move out of his aura and need be, go for a walk or a drive, and nourish my body. Sometimes, I turn to my gummy bears. Or my special cookies.
  • We are continually being conditioned through our open/undefined centres. He is a conditioning force in this case. It helps that he is a Human Design Guide and is aware of these mechanics and he is very mindful of conditioning me. Let’s just say we discuss a lot and these insights bring us to a higher level and expression of our relationship.
  • He does remind me (and wants me to add here) that as a emotionally-defined being, there’s a tendency to dump emotions on those with an open/undefined centres. They have to be careful not to become emotional monsters. It can feel such a big relief to break that wave, to have that wave snap, when they release these emotions onto the other. It’s pretty shitty because while they may feel better, the other person feels like their heart just broke. Plus these emotions just come back amplified. Then the emotional being wants to bring up shit from three years ago! (My emotional being partner adds with a laugh). Emotional ping pong, anyone? It’s a game of losers.
  • Even though I have an undefined Solar Plexus, I have my own emotional waves. Plus transits that form channels. I have three hanging gates in the Solar Plexus centre! We joke about me being “emotional-less”! Aquarius, you know. It’s just a joke. Of course we all are feeling beings!
  • I have individual and integration channels and along with them comes a deep melancholy. It just comes on. I’m not depressed. I’m not sad. Nothing is wrong. It’s a creative space, from which the new and mutation arise. Like with everything, I’m learning not to figure it out with my Mind. And listen more closely to my body. On these days, you’ll likely find me in bed, napping. Or writing, like today.

If you are emotionally defined, speak with your partner about it. Remind them you need time and space and it’s just mechanics. If something is bothering you, be sure to get clarity before sharing. Premature sharing is not wise. If you have kids, it’s so important to know their design so you can respect their nature and life force. The first 7 years of their lives – and I would say also from the time of conception – are so crucial.

If you have an open/undefined solar plexus, yes, you are empathic. Feeling all these feels can be over-the-top and powerful. It’s not yours; do not take on other people’s emotions and ride the waves with them. This is not an act of love. It’s an act of self-love and love for the other that you give each other time and space. And not to take it personally or feel responsible or that you did anything wrong. You may have. And that needs to be discussed once everyone has clarity.

It’s okay to go through the emotional waves with consciousness, with awareness, for everyone. Without it, it is full of suffering. We can sit here together in this space, both going through our emotionality and be okay.

My Emotionally-Defined Partner

Relationships is the field where we play and evolve. It is juicy and we get to experience different aspects of our beings through these electromagnetic connections and compatibility.

2020 is a year to awaken and being in this intimate and loving relationship is fertile ground for both of us. I’ve dissolved so many patterns, including those I thought were dismantled. I’m grateful for my partner. Aww, he tears up when I read this bit to him. See, he is a beautiful feeling being.

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