My Godhead & Mystical Programming

I’m re-reading The Prophecy of Ra Uru Hu by Steve Rhodes, and specifically the chapter called The 16 Faces. This totally went over my head the first time, and even now, I had to flip back further to The Beginning Before the Start. This cosmology is fascinating and I am being mindful for it not to become more food for my open mind. Like Ra said in the free intro to the Godheads audio, awareness of the programming by the Personality Bundles and Godheads points us back to the vehicle and the form. There is only one Design Crystal at the core of the earth. What we get is clear. Clear-ish, I guess depending on how much deconditioning we’ve done.

The Mind, though, is open to so much programming, to the Not-Self through the open centres, and the conflicting narratives of all the Gods and Goddesses. The Personality Bundles surround the planet and neutrinos are filtered through them all, “competing” for our attention. Talk about confusion and drama. And when humans identify with one Godhead as the only truth, feeling the need to defend and perpetuate the One God, it can get dicey!

So I want to understand how the Godheads program myself and others, to further decondition and deepen acceptance. I’ve always had issue with using morality to control us, and I’m seeing this even more now with all the virtue signalling. “I do [this] because I care about you.”

free downloads from Jovian Archive about the Godheads

The 16 Godheads

Every god and goddess that humanity has ever had can be found in one of the 16 Faces. The 16 Faces of God, the gods.

Steven Rhodes, The Prophecy of Ra Uru Hu

The Christ Consciousness, the Buddha Consciousness, all these familiar concepts, these are mechanics. They are the programming by one of 16 Personality Bundles. Yes, more programming and conditioning. And more mechanics.

I’m exploring this as part of deconditioning, to see the mechanics and not fall into the trap of what isn’t who I am, what is attractive because it’s not who I am. I think we are vulnerable to that because we have not yet recognized how amazing we all are, and somehow still believe we are missing something. We need someone or something, external to us. To energize us, to spark something within us. This is also where I delve into Gene Keys, with the three frequency bands, and remember within each of us are unique gifts. I remember I am complete within myself.

What is My GodHead, according to Human Design?

The Rave Mandala is divided into four quarters – Initiation, Civilization, Duality, and Mutation. Each quarter consists of four faces of Godheads.

Look at the Mandala below, find the quarter your Personality Sun is in. In the drop-down lists below the Mandala, look for your Personality Sun Gate under your quarter to find your Godhead.

My Personality Sun is 13 and so I am part of the Quarter of Initiation or the Quarter of the Mind. Gate 13 is the beginning of Kali, the Destroyer of False Devotion. When you look at the hexagrams, you can see a relationship between 13 and 30 and 13, 37, 25, and 42. They compliment each other, and express what Ra Uru Hu calls gate and genetic continuity. All of them relate to the mind, to how we think. The hexagrams are made up of three couplets – the bottom one is the Quarter couplet and the middle one the Godface couplet – they are the same for the same Quarters and the same Godface. Just another dimension of Human Design and understanding the Hexagrams and I-Ching.

If you are Navajo, the place to perform initiation is inside a restricted cave somewhere on the vertical wall of Tse B’tai in New Mexico. The candidate takes a narcotic or a poison and for three nights their soul leaves the body to wander into the Otherworld. They return to the body fully cognizant of what they learned and encountered during this induced near-death experience. Members of such mysteries schools described those who’d never experienced this out-the-body journey as “the dead” or unenlightened, while the initiated were declared “risen from the dead”. The point of the ritual – which was also performed inside stone boxes, underground chambers and specific pyramids – was to improve oneself in daily life by applying the information gleaned from the experience. ” – Freddy Silva [source]

Quarter of Initiation

Kali—The Destroyer of False Devotion

13-The Listener | 49-Principles | 30-Feelings | 55-Spirit

Mitra—The Evolution of Consciousness

37-Friendship | 63-Doubts | 22-Openness | 36-Crisis

Michael—The Angelical Minds

25-Spirit of the Self |17-Following | 21-Hunter/Huntress | 51-Shock

Janus—The Fertility of Mind

42-Growth | 3-Ordering | 27-Caring | 24-Returning

Quarter of Civilization

Maia—The Mother Goddess

2-The Direction of the Self | 23-Assimilation | 8-Contribution | 20-The Now

Lakshmi—Goddess of Beauty and Good Fortune

16-Skills | 35-Change | 45-The Gatherer | 12-Caution

Parvati – Goddess of Domestic Bliss

15-Extremes | 52-Stillness | 39-Provocation | 53-Beginnings

Ma’at—Goddess of Truth, Justice and Cosmic Harmony

62-Details | 56-Stimulation | 31-Leading| 33-Privacy

Quarter of Duality

Thoth – God of Wisdom, Writing and Time

7-Role of the Self in Interaction | 4-Mental Solutions | 29-Perseverance | 59-Sexuality

Harmonia – Goddess of the Family Bond

40-Aloneness | 64-Possibilities| 47-Realization | 6-Friction

Christ Consciousness Field – “Love Thy Neighbor”

46-Determination of the Self | 18-Correction | 48-Depth | 57-Intuitive Clarity

Minerva – Virgin Goddess of Warfare, Arts and Crafts

44-Alertness | 28-The Game Player | 50-Values | 32-Continuity

Quarter of Mutation

Hades – God of the Underworld

1-Self-Expression | 43-Breakthrough| 14-Power Skills | 34-Power

Prometheus – Thief of Fire and Benefactor of Humanity

9-Taming Power of the Small | 5-Fixed Rhythms | 26-The Egoist | 11- Ideas, Harmony

Vishnu – God of Monotheism

10-Behaviour of the Self | 58-Vitality | 38-The Fighter | 54-Drive

The Keepers of the Wheel – Guardians of the Wheel – The Hidden Gods (from themselves)

60-Limitation | 61-Inspiration | 41-Contraction | 19-Wanting

Kali – The Destroyer of False Devotion

Kali is Face 5 of 16 and according to Jovian Archive, “Kali is one of two divinities associated with the Solar Plexus – potential Needs, Passions, and Desires are her domain. Her gates speak to how Mind uses past feelings to justify your present, and how emotions overpowering rational thought can distort your perceptions.”

Three of the four gates of Kali are in the solar plexus centre – 30, 49, and 55. Gate 13 is in the G-Centre. All four – 13, 30, 49, 55 – are yang-yang – deep mutation. Four themes. The top couplet shows their differentiation – yang-yang, yin-yang, yang-yin, and yin-yin, respectively. Gate 55 caries the pure yin of Kali. And by 2027, Gate 49 won’t be viable anymore as it will have been realized, nor the channel it makes with Gate 19. So very interesting.

I have an undefined Solar Plexus, with three hanging gates. I am surrounded by people with a defined Solar Plexus, including my partner who also belongs to the Quarter of Initiation and with Gate continuity with my own (13 The Listener and 42 Growth, due to their Gate Binary of Yang-Yang).

People with a defined Solar Plexus is emotionally defined. Riding and understanding their emotional waves is the crust of their decision-making process. It can get intense! Especially for an undefined centre which amplifies these emotions. If you are interested in reading more about the defined and undefined Solar Plexus centre, check out this article.

The voltage of emotions was always too much for me. My own emotions and also other people’s. And my melancholy. With Human Design, I now understand the mechanics of defined and undefined centres in aura, including how with my undefined Solar Plexus centre, I amplify emotional energies! So this little tidbit about Kali being associated with the Solar Plexus is interesting and something to contemplate and witness. How do my feelings from the past keep me hostage to beliefs and programmings that no longer work for me or weren’t mine to begin with? How do I renew myself and become more and more me? How am I amplifying these energies from other people or taking these emotions as my own?

And here’s where Kali comes in – she’s here to obliterate the ego where it keeps us locked in the past, unable to move forward. She’s death and rebirth. Transformation.

Kali, Fierce & Compassionate

In Hinduism, Kali is a ferocious and fearsome-looking Goddess. An emotional force! With her four arms, she holds a sword and the head of a demon and she wears the regalia of human skulls (which represent the ego). She’s a fierce energy! Kali is also known as compassionate and protective, somewhat like the stern teacher that Saturn is. Tough love. Interesting that Gate 13 is Aquarius, co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus! Like lightning and sudden strikes of Uranus, Kali’s force helps us to quickly move along on our spiritual path.

It’s believed that Kali emerged from Durga to destroy demons. Demons, our shadows, our fears. And Durga is already pretty awesome! Kali is wild! It’s told that she became bloodlust obliterating the demons that she got lost in it. Shiva had to help her realize what she was doing. So her powers need practice to wield or they can consume us. It’s wisdom to know what to destroy and awareness to know when to stop.

From Stuart Rice’s The Bhakti User’s Manual: Volume 1 Kali,

“On looks alone, Kali is not a goddess with which to mess around. Usually represented with four or ten arms, she carries several formidable weapons, and one hand holds a bleeding severed head. She has a garland of heads or skulls, either 51 of them or 108 of them. She wears a skirt of human arms, and she’s crushing some poor guy under her foot.

In the vernacular, we could say that Kali looks like one bad-ass bitch. But she’s really not that bad—she’s just drawn that way.”

Kali is so called because She devours Kala (Time) and then resumes Her own dark formlessness.

John Woodroffe, Garland of Letters

Ra Uru Hu pointed out that Kali is the Yin GodHead of Transformation, “enormous transformation. That is transformation and change that requires death and resurrection.”

He sees Kali represented in many cultures as a male force; yet for him, she’s merely in yang clothing. On the outside, she’s burning away the dross, the falsity of devotion. And we are surrendering to the spirit of Life. We start this 5th Face with Yang (13’s top couplet) and end with Yin (55’s top couplet). We start this Quarter with Yang (Kali) and end with Yin (Janus). To die and reborn, with the vehicle to house an unblemished, untarnished, unburdened spirit.

Working with Kali – Mantras

In Stuart Rice’s manual, he shares his own experiences working with Kali, specifically about using mantras. As Kali is about cutting to the chase and destroying all falsity, the experience can be harsh, exacting, and quick. He says it takes thick skin to work with Kali. I agree, and an abundance of unwavering courage.

The two mantras he suggests to start with are the seed sound (bija) mantra or Krim and the one that calls her by name. Om Shri Kalikayai Namah.

The seed mantra is “like a broom for negative ego – it just starts sweeping it away.” The illusions will start to dissolve as how we are our own prisoners will be right in your face.

If you have already worked with Kali for a while or ready to zip through, he suggests the following mantras to call the cosmic forms of Kali:

Hrim Shrim Krim Paramesvaryai Svaha

Hrim Shrim Krim Paramesvari Kalike Hrim Shrim Krim Svaha

Krim Krim Krim Hum Hum Hrim Hrim Daksine Kalike Krim Krim Krim Hum Hum Hrim Hrim Svaha

In addition to the seed mantra Krim, we have two other seed sound mantras – Hrim, Shrim, and Hum. The Hrim mantra is to destroy the veil of illusion while the Hum mantra is to dissolve the illusion of the universe. Shrim is the mantra for abundance.

If you are new to mantras, perhaps the most important thing to remember is focus. First focus on the intention for the mantra and when chanting, focus on the mantra itself. You can start with 18 repetitions each morning or at the sattvic times of the day – dawn and dusk. You can also do 108 repetitions. I use mala beads to keep count. Also remember that the outcome is not for the ego. Breathe. Trust life.

Gate 13


Each Godhead has four Gates, and so four aspects, themes or nuances. For Kali, these are Gates 13, 49, 30, and 55. The values of life are in Gate 13, which comes into union with Gate 30, the fates that lead us to different human experiences. Both 13 and 30 are the amino acid Glutamine. “Through right action, we are able to find the high principles of life.” (Ra Uru Hu)

Delving into the codons is another exploration yet!

With my Personality Sun in Gate 13, I’ve been imprinted by this energy. Gate 13 is the beginning of the beginning of the four Quarters. With 13.1, I’m connected to this quarter even more so. That’s because Line 1 is the first line, the foundation. The first line of the first Gate of the Quarter of Initiation. As 1/3, trial and error, death and rebirth, exploration and experimentation are major themes!

It’s a spiritual and mystical death. Death of the ego. To emerge into the world of the mind and become the unique energy we are!

13 is one of the main identities and the beginning of identity for humanity, the beginning of the beginning of the initiating quarter. (Ra Uru Hu) 13 is a memory Gate, a collector of experiences, of all the gates of the quarter, building the foundation of the mind. “Every single gate [of this quarter] is a portal to the mental system.” (Ra Uru Hu, Quarter of Initiation lecture) They are “receptors and translators of the mind.”

13 is the Listener, and carries secrets and stories, what Ra calls their “deepest power” in his Quarter of Initiation lecture. What we do is synthesize our experiences so that we may share them, as part of the Channel of the Prodigal. The path of the Fellowship of Man.

But I’m not here to express the uniqueness of the 13, of Kali. That’s the role of the 5th Line folks. Back to the hexagrams for a minute. Take a look at Gate 49 (as well as Gates 37, 17, and 3) – their top couplet is the same as the quarter couplet (the bottom/foundation couplet). These Gates personify the Quarter of Initiation.

As a 1/3, I bump into ideas, experiences, people… And when I bumped into this concept of the 16 Godheads, I was intrigued. At that time, I had no idea my Godhead is Kali, though she was not unfamiliar to me. I can’t find the blog now; literally the first one I read about Godheads and Human Design was an personal experiential account and the writer’s Godhead was Kali. I wish I can find it again to re-read it, to better understand having Kali as a Godhead.

Now, it’s time for this information to sink more deeply into my being and flower. For now, I will hold gently the question of false devotion and see how that shows up in life (trust life!) and what the universe wants to show me. Our Godhead is our programming, our conditioning – so another question is where have I been blinded to think this is the only way to see the world. Where do I insist this is the way to go? I will also continue my conversations with my partner about the Quarter of Initiation and how the Godheads Kali and Janus have programmed our Mind.

As Ra said in his Quarter of Initiation lecture, this is only one quarter of the ocean of conditioning. This Godhead is 1/16 of it. Mind-blowing, the density of the programming. Here’s to “breaking that covenant” that Ra speaks of. Respect the work of the Gods but not be slaves to them. “I will listen to the Gods but I will not obey them. I watch my mind. I do not obey it.”