Human Design & Vedic Astrology

I’m reading my 127-page Vedic Astrology report I got circa 2007. I unearthed it going through my storage. I’m on page 17. By the way 17 in Jin Shin Jyutsu is the number for Aquarius (my Personality Sun Sign), helps calm the nervous system, and brings emotional-mental clarity. 17 is located on the outside of the wrist, on the little finger side. I like to wrap my hand, with it sitting nicely on the palm of the other hand, thumb on the mound below the thumb – try it!

1 + 7 = 8, magic. Did I discover some Magic here? I believe so.

What I found absolutely fascinating how so much of it jives with my Design. The section I’m at is “What Your Soul Truly Desires.”

My Line 1

You’ll be hard to get to know. You are often seen withdrawn. This being so, it is common for people to see your focus turn inside of yourself.

My Line 3 – Freedom & Adventure

Freedom, as this Vedic Astrologer advices, is about living a fuller life, a richer life, rather than breaking standards of living or being excessively unconventional. For me, breaking standards is inevitable though I have observed my younger self pushing people’s buttons, just because. I see that in others, in my clients, those who have been unseen, unheard, unloved. Some behave radically to get attention they desire. Some do it to prove they are beyond the fray and so approval is not required or desired. Human behaviour, for me, so often comes back to a person’s wound.

Freedom is seen to being most essential for your inner happiness. You’ll thus be found loving changes, new experiences, to that of you desiring to meet new people, being involved in adventures and travels.

You will experience many changes and unusual events, but you learn best through your own experiences. Therefore your life will be full and, you will make great strides in personal growth.

Manifesting Generator

Routine can easily become a bore to you, regardless of your work or activities. Yes, you will not be at your best, if you are forced to do work or be forced, to remain in a place which is always the same.

You enjoy being involved in several projects at the same time. You’ll thus, tend to discard boring pastimes, very quickly.

The advice by this Vedic Astrologer is to recognize that I am feeling restless. Rather than releasing that energy by being rash and doing something for the sake of doing something (hello undefined root!), it will be worthwhile to channel it consciously. And to refrain from tearing things down or criticizing others! Transcending this balance, he goes on to say, will allow me to accomplish things. This is interesting, because on the one hand, I’m a 1/3, life is about bumping into things (following my Strategy & Authority) and on the other, there’s a certain trajectory if I’m not led by my undefined root, for example.

Open Heart Centre & Cross of the Sphinx

You are a bit of a heroine and thus, you’ll desire to save the world. This causes you to make promises you often cannot keep. Down deep, you’ll long to please everyone, of which I can assure you is indeed, an impossible goal.

Undefined Solar Plexus – this one I found interesting. I often see this dialogue about people with a defined and undefined solar plexus feel. So perhaps as someone with an undefined solar plexus, I may come across as a bit more “shallow”, less moody, unless I’m amplifying. Well, I do have a number of Gates of Melancholy.

You can be seen, to you being rather emotionally superficial. Yes, you’ll feel love passionately.

Oh, he advises me to wear pastels, pinks, cherry… as I look at my wardrobe of grey!