Is it a fractal thing?

You may have heard about fractals. Many people bring it up to illustrate why some people have more impact than others. According to Rave Cosmology, at the beginning there was a great shattering of the two prime Crystals. The trillions of zillion pieces (let’s say countless) seeded the universe and we each have two such pieces.

If we freeze that moment after the shattering, we can see the fractal lines, how the crystals split and the centre piece. Mind you, the centre isn’t the middle; it’s that piece that retains the characteristics, the same potential of the whole crystal before the shattering. It is the microcosm and from here, we have the fractal lines and the flow direction of information. From the centre down different fractal lines.

Fractal lines & Impact

It may feel like we can be impacted by just anyone. To be truly impacted, however, the person contains a crystal from the same fractal line as you. The closer, the deeper that impact, whether that is to receive from them or to externalize to them.

So Human Design is about aligning us with our fractal line. This is another reason why we don’t rely on the mind to make decisions. The mind cannot see these lines and so does not know how to find these people.

The most important people to me are not the ones closest to the centre. It’s the ones closest to me on my fractal line. You see, there is no hierarchy; a crystal closer to the centre isn’t “better”. It’s only better to the one next to it. Each crystal on a fractal line is important; we all contribute to the evolution of consciousness. We are each a unique filter and we decode the neutrinos and transform consciousness. This means the information travelling along the fractal line changes, which brings me to the next sub-topic.

Fractal Line & Awakening

Human Design reminds us of “no choice.” An easy way to see this is with fractals. As we transform consciousness, awakening moves along the fractal line. Awakening doesn’t come from what we do, what we train our mind to do, or whether we are “old souls”; it’s where we are on the fractal line in relation to the point of awakening. We were all there at the beginning; our crystals anyway. We are all 15 billion years old, give or take a few in that estimate.

When we look outward, and perhaps even in our life while in our Human Design experiment, we may see suffering. We may think, “if only…” and yet, there is no choice. Awakening happens when it happens. Perhaps this understanding can help us all be more compassionate and accepting of where we all are and how well we are just watching the movie of life.

About Ra

If you frequent Facebook groups, for instance, you may have come across the topic of listening and hearing Ra Uru Hu who “brought” Human Design to us. There are passionate people on both sides. Some people struggle with him as he meanders in his lectures or with how he says things, being a Heretic (5/1 with Cross of Clarion – ah that Gate 51 of shock). An often used reason is that a person is or isn’t on his fractal. That may be the case…however, let’s consider another factor – conditioning.

We are all highly conditioned, even those with lots of definition in their design. The world is mostly not-self, still with the 7-centred strategic consciousness. Even if we’ve done a lot of self-work, that mind…that mind is so powerful and it can be sneaky and even manipulative. Our mind is wonderful in its actual role of observing, dreaming, measuring, and as our outer authority. It’s a beautiful thing.

As we are each unique, so too our deconditioning process and our own Human Design experiment. Years of deconditioning isn’t a guarantee that we are not still using our mind to make decisions and that we have completely surrendered to our body consciousness and our vehicle. It really is a continuing process. How we’ve been conditioned can account for so many things, our preferences, our beliefs, our sensitivity, our wounding…

So if we are conditioned (or unaware of it) and if we have been learning our design piecemeal with our mind, there is a danger that our mind is still ruling the roost. It may be telling us that this is not how we receive information or that this person is too gloomy and negative or that this other person is more optimistic, feminine, and spiritual. I’ve seen many people dismiss the mechanics of Human Design because what Ra has said about 2027 doesn’t resonate with them. 2027, let’s remember, is what he’s called the cosmic fairytale. Even he’s said, we will see if the mutation will take. Let’s leave that for another day.

It’s YOUR deconditioning and YOUR Human Design experiment so I’m not here to tell anyone that Ra really doesn’t ruffle your feathers and that it “should be” easy for you to listen, hear, and digest what he’s transmitting. I’m not here to argue his case. I do enjoy listening to him myself and I can understand the frustration that you basically have to listen to a whole swath of his recordings to piece things together. And yes, he did mis-speak and mixed certain terms up from time to time.

What I’m offering, as something I’m experiencing more and more, is that the most important part of our experiment is the experiment itself. It isn’t reading and researching, and that’s HUGE coming from a 1/3! I still read, a lot and I still listen, a lot. I still get readings here and there, as I respond. As I proceed in my own experiment, I’m becoming more and more humble. I’m more and more comfortable with not being certain mentally (hello there, open Ajna) and I’m more and more comfortable with not chasing every freakin’ question (hey you, open Head).

So perhaps a question is where does this frustration come from? Are you looking for certainty? Are you placing knowledge above the actual experiment? These are questions that have come up for myself.

For me, it doesn’t really matter why this or that. The mind will still continue to find reason and rationalization. That’s really its attempt to be safe, and yeah, not be ridiculed by others. My body just leaves the room. I don’t know why. My mind wants to give a reason as not to appear rude, because that’s really frowned upon and we’ve been conditioned to be polite, nice, and good.

That reason and rationalization may be pulling out specific characteristics, whether it’s a gate, our profile, a circuitry, etc.

Yet, is it?

When we are living who we are, we move beyond the characteristics. The costume that is our profile may fit more comfortably and feels easier on us. But it is still only a costume. The thing that really happens is with our frequency. It’s clearer, less distorted and our mind is way more relaxed.