Experiencing the 6th Gene Key and Discovering Peacefulness Within

I was reading about the 6th Gene Key and realized that my partner and I were experiencing this energy in our conversation. I have this Gene Key/Gate activated and he has its programming partner, the 36th Gene Key. These are Gates in our Human Design Bodygraph, though not part of our Golden Path.

What hit home was this statement –

The biofeedback loop between these two shadows is rooted in nervousness and defensiveness. The 36th Shadow makes you nervous, feeding the 6th Shadow, which responds through making you behave defensively. Likewise, your own defensiveness makes other people behave in a nervous manner around you.

Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys

My Human Design and Gene Keys Experiment is an ongoing unfolding, a wonderful fun project (that is me) for a 1/3 Profile. So when I was reading about 6th Gene Key, the current world theme that was just beginning, it dawned on me how we role-played and experienced it within our conversation that morning..

We have some very intense conversations. Intense because we are holding space for each other, to be what may be called “radically honest.” It’s big work, opening up to a level of intimacy that at once calls up old wounds, personal, tribal, and collective and dissolves them.

I don’t remember now what we were talking about. He was nervous about hurting my feelings or triggering a past relationship pattern. I so appreciate his awareness, care, and love for me. And he’s shared that talking with me helps him process. He’s emotionally defined and it can take time.

This background frequency of nervousness or turbulence then reinforced my defensiveness, which I am not always aware of. This energy can be so subtle, and even “sneaky.” In those moments, I can come across “sharp” I’ve been told. It is distorted because of some underlying wound. Perhaps a past pattern is re-energized or brought to the surface. Residual I suppose from the work I have already done releasing the past – the betrayals and other events, woundings, and traumas. Ah, the silver lining and the gift of a difficult separation and divorce. A lot of growing up, growing awareness, and “adulting.” Alas, I digress…

And my defensiveness feeds feeds his nervousness. That’s how programming partners work. On the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi levels.

The 6th Gene Key

The 6th Gene Key was the world theme from September 15 to 20, 2020. This is the path of peace, from the shadow of conflict through the gift of diplomacy.

I have this gate in my bodygraph; however, since my Solar Plexus is undefined, it is not an activated gate. The 6th and the 59th Gates create the Channel of Mating, which interestingly enough, was a connection I had with my ex-husband. And no, we didn’t have any kids. We did build up the resources to support a family, and definitely our family of four with our two adopted dogs.

The 6th Shadow of Conflict is the single most influential Gene Key in regard to the issue of human communication. At its highest potential, the 6th Gene Key is the archetype of peace of earth, whilst at its lowest potential it is the root cause of all human conflict. This conflict stems from the human emotional system and our inability to handle the voltage of extreme emotional states. Conflict breaks out whenever two or more people agree to identify with their emotional state. As long as you surrender your will to the emotional system, then you will be trapped by its volatile nature.

Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys

I often find myself spontaneously bursting into tears when I read about my activated Gene Keys. Oh, Richard, what is this “sorcery” that touches me so deeply. I think it is the spellbinding power of truth.

Shadow Consciousness – Conflict

It is easy to see how this shadow consciousness of Conflict is part of the collective energy at this point. We can see it within ourselves, how we repress emotions, showing up as inconsistencies. We can see it all over social media, even without the trolls, and between friends over politics, and of course now the virus.

And in the world today, especially with the sweeping changes of the pandemic status, we see tremendous conflict around how we see the best way of moving forward, how to live now, between feeling safe and free, what is real and not…

As we accelerate the dismantling of all things secret and veiled, I can see how Conflict may be intensified. Those with vested interests and secrets want them protected. This “fight” we can see as different truths and half-truths circulate, comes back to our personal conflicts.

We are coming together, approaching 2027, when our current age ends. This is the time, these few years, to really unlock all that is esoteric and hidden. Good and bad. According Human Design cosmology, 2027 is a nexus point, when the current global incarnation cross, Cross of Planning, will come to an end. All that was created from that energy – infrastructure, institutions, commercial farming, community projects, etc – will begin to unravel.

What will the world be like without all things “normal” and familiar? I believe we are getting a sampling of that now in 2020.

Emotional Defence Strategies, Anyone?

On writing about the 6th Shadow, Richard Rudd states that our emotional defence strategies are really formulated in our second 7-year cycle, when we are 7 to 14. Remember how outrageously emotional the adults in your life were when we were that age? I do. As kids, we really had very little control of what happened. And so these ways to protect ourselves and our feelings.

One major emotional defence strategy I came up with as a teenager was never to be angry. Because as a child, it was somehow always my fault and I always had to apologize, which I felt was grossly unfair. So the pendulum swung the other way. From keenly feeling my emotions, my gut responses, and my truth to not letting anyone in, not showing how vulnerable, sensitive, and hurt I was.

Side note: not feeling my gut and not uttering my sounds as a child is shutting down my authority as a Manifesting Generator. As you may know, we have our unique way of knowing the truth.

That 6th Gene Key/Gate, which is about opening or not to intimacy, was very discerning and very few, mostly animals, got through. While I poured my wounded heart onto the pages of a journal that never saw the day. And without understanding the defined/undefined Solar Plexus relationship, I felt victimized and never learned to be with my emotions. How not to identify with them, especially when they weren’t even mine. My take is that this is part of my work in this life, being surrounded by emotionally defined people. Oh, and learning to see the Not-Self who desires to connect three Solar Plexus gates and feeling fulfilled when someone does. We are all perfect and unique!

Of course the ego has to die, that tremendous humbling that takes you to your knees, so you can look up at the sky and see the world is so much bigger than who we thought we were. And that we are so much bigger than who we thought we were.

Touching the Gift of Diplomacy

The Gift of the 6th GK is Diplomacy. Meeting people halfway. Taking down our barriers so we can step away from preconceived ideas and assumptions. And opening our hearts. This means taking an honest look at where we are not meeting ourselves, of where we have internal conflicts and bravely go beyond them.

Every human being is emotionally vulnerable until we drop our protective defences. The defences form around our heart, and as long as our hearts remain defended and closed, they can’t heal.

Richard Rudd, 64 Ways

The Gift of the 36th GK is Humanity. Just as the Shadow states of programming partners feed into each other, so too do the Gift and Siddhi frequencies. It’s all holographic and related and when we shift one, we uplift all.

With your heart open, it is not possible to be overwhelmed. The heart can open infinitely to accommodate anything and everything. Only the mind can be overwhelmed. Only the emotions can be overwhelmed. But your soul, your whole being at a higher frequency cannot be overwhelmed by life.

Richard Rudd on the 36th Gene Key

Our humanity… We say “we are only human” as if it’s a bad thing, a lesser quality and yet, there is great strength in our humanity, in our humanness. It’s spirit living within. Rather than leaving the human body behind, I believe we are here as vehicles for Heaven and Earth. How? Well, the highest potential of these two Gene Keys is the Siddhi states of Peace and Compassion. How beautiful.

On a collective level, the 6th Siddhi will be the very last Siddhi to fully mutate in the coming shift in global consciousness. Only when peace is recognized on earth as the natural state of our collective consciousness can the future vehicle of humanity be built. In other words, the myth of world peace is the pretext for building the future body that will take us beyond form itself.

Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys

The ultimate peace comes when all boundaries within and interfacing the “external” are dissolved. The body is the Garden of Eden. It is a state of truth.

It’s been years since I stumbled onto Human Design and the Gene Keys. I am grateful for this information, especially now as we are moving into the last 7-year cycle before 2027. Will it play out according to the Human Design Cosmology? Well, I guess we will see rather soonish, or at least aspects of the “fairytale”. 2020 – the year of why not?! And here we are, writing and sharing my own Human Design/Gene Keys Experiment. This is not the end all philosophy, and certainly not more fodder for the Mind. If you are new to Human Design or the Gene Keys, I encourage to take a look and explore it through your own self. We are our own Authority.

Or as Jin Shin Jyutsu Master Teacher Mary Burmeister reminded us – We are our own Testimony. And speaking of JSJ, the Keynotes for Safety Energy Lock 6 are Balance and Discrimination. We can simply hold this energy sphere, which is located on the arch of our feet. Think about how our feet is so important in standing upright. It so beautiful ties into the Gene Keys.

While we may march for peace, we will not achieve it when we are in conflict. When we are protesting against something, when we are not at peace with ourselves, when we cannot be with all the voltages and frequencies of our emotionality, when we see “other”, Peace is only a concept and a fleeting glimpse, if even.