Oh, Open Head Centre, You Have So Many Questions

Like the majority of people, I have an undefined Head Centre. Mine is actually completely open, with no defined Gates.

This means that my Head Centre is open to conditioning, a space for the energies of defined Head Centre to move through. So the questions and thoughts that arise may not even be mine. And they come and go. The trap of an Open or Undefined Head Centre is thinking about things that don’t matter to me.

Because the Head Centre is a pressure centre, I feel an incredible push to ask questions that pop up – to get them out there, to get them answered, to get them materialized – to feel relaxed.

I can also feel the need to answer questions for other people. I figured this out years ago, without knowing the mechanics. That’s the thing about Human Design. It’s not a belief system and we do not need to know about it to live our design. I could hear and feel the questions in the air, this doubt and confusion from other people who did not understand what was just explained. Let’s just say, I asked a whole lot of questions! It was quite a practice of awareness to stop doing that!

Having been rewarded for ideas in my life, I’m conditioned to believe I have to continuously and consistently come up with new ones. And even to action on them, to show my skills and to get more work. Ah, the workings of being strategic when I’m more rave-like and passive! Having a strategy and plan is what our society demands, rooted in an old system, birthed by 7-energy-centre beings. So different for us, 9-energy-centre beings.

This pressure I feel is like – if I don’t take action on these ideas, someone will. Have you read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic? It happens. Probably good to share that the subtitle of the book is Creative Living Beyond Fear. So there’s that.

This idea – this strategy – that we have to always do something is such a trap. We may respond; we don’t always have to act. We definitely don’t want the mind to be making decisions. When we act from fear and we worry, our pure motivation gets shifted. We no longer come from a healthy and correct place.

According to Genetic Matrix, some of the keywords relating to the Head Centre and its Gates are:

  • inspiration
  • questions
  • past memories
  • mutation pressure
  • stress
  • ideas
  • past images
  • thinking resolution
  • dreaming
  • doubt
  • madness
  • clarity

My partner has been in the deconditioning process for years, beyond the seven years they say it takes. Seven years for cellular restructuring. He’s a great reminder of just sitting with my open Head centre. It helps that he has both Head and Anja undefined so I don’t feel that pressure from him. We don’t condition each other in those areas of our design.

So I sit and watch what arises, the wide streams of neutrinos. To listen to my sacral response, to see what is correct to respond to. Trusting my sacral response. It’s a process, that’s for sure. This is the time, the last 7-year deconditioning cycle before 2027, when the Cycle of Planning comes to an end.

The Defined Head Centre

30% of people have a defined Head Centre. There are three Gates in this centre, Gates 64, 61, and 63 which form three channels with Gates in the Anja Centre. 64/47 Channel of Abstraction and 63/4 Channel of Logic are part of the Collective Circuit. The first is experiential and the latter, experimental. The abstract looks at the past, at the experiences, to come to some understanding, some clarity. The logic looks at the patterns to understand the future, to feel less doubtful about it. The middle channel (24/61) is part of the Individual Circuit and looks to know the unknowable. Unlike the other two channels which are visual, this one is acoustic. It’s not about processing the past or understanding the future; it’s hearing thoughts.

For the 30% of us with one or more of these channels, it is correct for them to deal with the confusion (abstract), doubt (logic), and the unknowable (individual). They are built for it – these channels are part of their circuit board and energy consistently runs through these channels.

For people with an undefined/open Head Centre, these channels are not part of how their energy runs. Their openness is where the conditioning forces from other people can enter, when they are in aura of those with a defined centre. As a result, without awareness of this mechanics, they think about things that don’t matter to them. They also amplify the energy, and so the doubt, confusion, and fears.

Can you imagine that? In a world dominated by the Not-Self, 30% of people are conditioning and influencing what the 70% are thinking, thinking about what doesn’t matter to them. Think about what we get from the media, from news to movies. The 30%, however when acting from their true self and Authority, are a true source of Inspiration.

It all comes back to responding from our Authority, from who we are.