Manifesting Generator, Warrior Buddha

Enter the Manifesting Generator. We have a Warrior Buddha. There is no aura on earth like this. The true manifesting generator aura is a perfect coincidence of yin and yang. At once effortless and yet endlessly capable of moving at light speed for sustained periods of time. These people are the true archetype of what humanity is capable of. If you colour in every gate in the bodygraph, what you end up with is a manifesting generator. If there is a golden child among the Types, these are the people.

The secret for the manifesting generator is the secret of the feminine. They represent a fusion, or a struggle, between male and female poles. The untamed wildness of the Warrior and the silence and surrender of the Buddha. If you are a manifesting generator, which one would you rather control your life? Your life is an expression of this cosmic balancing act.

Every time you let the warrior lead, the Buddha is pulled off centre and the resistance you meet is extraordinary. But when you allow the Buddha to guide your life in patience and quiet trust, then your aura really begins to burn with light. Your potential bursts out all around you for all to see, but it is your ability to hold it in check that impresses people the most. You can achieve more in one lifetime than a generator can in one hundred (the pure generator living their nature is not interested in achievement). Sadly, very few manifesting generators are able to anchor themselves enough in the feminine to fulfill their true potential.


If you are a Manifesting Generator, perhaps this is what you needed to be reminded. How much more yielding can you be? How much more can you surrender to living your truth?