The Beginning – The First Encounter

As a 1/3 I’m always bumping into people, things, and experiences. Yep, I’ve got a number of bruises and splinters to show for it.

I first encountered Human Design circa 2012/2013. The reading was profound. To be honest, it was overwhelming. I don’t actually remember the reading; it wasn’t recorded. That would have been a great idea (and I’ve learned since!). I know it was meant to be encouraging though I felt I failed myself in yet another way. At that time, I had just separated.

In retrospect, the ending of that relationship was the bump I needed to get back on track. It was an important relationship, one that brought me into a whole new field of experience. A decade plus to gather trial and error lab notes.

So while I was fascinated by my design and Human Design, the time was not ripe for me. I was likely still disconnected to my sacral response!

In the year the divorce proceedings began, I discovered the Gene Keys. Again, I just lacked the energy to dive deep. My open Head Centre, along with the 1 Line in my profile, filled me all these questions about financial security.

Over the years, on and off, I would read up on both, as I delved more deeply into Jin Shin Jyutsu, a potent art of harmonization. I have also found it amazing to pair this and the practice of contemplation.

At the end of 2019, I rediscovered Human Design, just a week before meeting a Human Design Guide at a retreat I attended. It was at the beginning of a new relationship that I began my journey and deconditioning process for real. Together we are also finding our way to Gene Keys again. In these wild intense times of 2020, having Human Design and the Gene Keys, along with Jin Shin Jyutsu, is indispensable. The burning of the inner structures, along with the outer ones. 2020, well played.