The Human Design Experiment

We chose to be here for the Greatest Show, the Great Awakening, at this time. Who knew 2020 would be such an acceleration for us to release the old structures? Both within ourselves and in the external world. Letting go of beliefs, stories, patterns, and even wounds that have been bolstering a “less-than” existence. And questioning the narrative we’ve been taught to believe. This homogenization that has dulled the fire of individualism in far too many people.

The beauty of Human Design is the reminder to live who we are, as the unique expressions that we all are. We are each a facet of the brilliance of evolution. Our experiences contribute to this grand journey we are on together.

For some people, it’s another way of typing people. I myself am still deconditioning and playing within this system, as it unfolds for me. Human Design, along with Baantu and Gene Keys, has validated, affirmed, and clarified so many aspects of my life. Enough to continue to start this web log and share my findings. Maybe these “lab notes” will shed some light for you, whether you are also doing your own Human Design experiment or not.

They say Human Design is for about 4% of people. So maybe this is for you or maybe this isn’t for you. For me, even if the mysticism of Human Design is not for you, you can still internalize the core message of listening to your own inner wisdom. You are unique and valuable. Honour your life force, and that of others…and trust life.