The Third Line

The third line is the completion of the lower trigram process. The third line, because it’s a completion, but more than that it’s a stepping stone to the next trigram, that both the third and fourth lines are inherently unstable. That is, there is a great deal of mutative potential, particularly in the third line.

in this life, that is, your movement in this life, is about discovery through trial and error. And it means because you’re here to discover what does not work, that you can end up feeling very uncomfortable unless you understand your capacity.

The theme of the third line is adaptation. That is, the ability within us to deal with the circumstances that arise from any situation. The third line is deeply gifted with its resilience to be able to deal with things. Things always bump into the third line. If you have a third line in your profile, things can bump into you, accidents can happen. It’s the kind of thing where you have to see that the greatest difficulty in the human spirit is the way in which the third line is treated in life. You know, we punish mistakes.

And yet, the third line being is here to find out what’s wrong with things. It’s here to discover what doesn’t work. So often that looks like a mistake. They enter into a relationship and the relationship fails, and they discover a great deal in that relationship failing. At the same time there is both self-blame, and there are fingers pointed from the outside that that was a mistake, that you did the wrong thing, and so forth and so on.

Everything about being a third line being is understanding that life is a trial and error process, you’re here to find out what really works, and you’re here to let everybody know what doesn’t work, because that’s your gift.

Ra Uru Hu